Think burnout isn’t affecting your team?
Think again!
77% of employees suffered from burnout last year!
Experiencing daily disengagement, plummeting productivity and low mental wellbeing!

​​​The Talk It Out Firebreak is a simple approach that’s proven to banish burnout by helping people to process more deeply & get clear about what's truly important, for them. ​​
​​How does the Firebreak help?
Just 10 minutes of using Talk It Out on a Friday afternoon is proven to help people process their week and clear their head of the busyness that can cause burnout.
They can then re-charge over the weekend and come back to work on Monday with improved mental wellbeing, renewed energy, and a laser-like focus on how to use their talents best.
What do you get in trial of the Firebreak?
A 1-hour live webinar with Talk It Out Founder & renowned keynote speaker Chris Baréz-Brown to get your people excited about the experiment and engaged with how it works.
Access to a light touch wellbeing tool for your team in the Talk It Out app, with people needing to commit just 10 mins a week, for 4 weeks.
Access to our weekly live inspiration drop-ins, to help people know what to Talk It Out about.
Pre & Post survey to measure the impact created for your team.
Post trial wrap-up session to land learnings and discuss next steps.
Get in touch for a chat about how we could run the Talk It Out Firebreak for your team. Or download our PDF below for more info.